首页> 中文期刊> 《华北水利水电学院学报(社科版)》 >河南省消费与'十三五'经济增长动力研究




消费、投资和出口是拉动经济增长的"三驾马车".消费是经济增长的基础,是促进经济长期发展的关键.河南省城镇居民与农村居民的消费存在巨大差异,尤其是在消费水平、消费结构、消费环境与消费倾向四个方面.而在消费、产业与经济增长的关系上,城镇居民的消费发挥了更大的促进作用;交通运输业、房地产业和农业通过居民消费促进河南省的经济增长,其中交通运输业的作用最为显著.河南省"十三五"经济增长的动力在于调整与优化农村居民的消费结构、改革消费政策以及发挥交通运输业对居民消费的促进作用.%Consumption, investment and exports are Troika for driving economic growth.Consumption is the basis for economic growth and the key to promoting long-term economic development.The consumption level of urban residents and rural residents is different in Henan Province, especially in the level of consumption, consumption structure and consumption environment and consumption propensity.In the relationship between the consumer, industrial and economic growth, consumption of urban residents plays a more important role.By increasing residents' consumption, transportation, real estate and agriculture promote economic growth in Henan Province and transportation plays the most important role.Therefore, from the view of consumption, the factor to promote economic growth in Henan's 13th Five-Year Plan is that adjust and optimize the peasant residents' consumption structure, reform consumer policy and make use of influence of transportation to the consumption.



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