首页> 中文期刊> 《河北联合大学学报(自然科学版)》 >复杂断块油藏的三维地质建模方法--以国外某油田为例




随着油气勘探开发的不断深入,一些具有复杂断块构造特征的油藏已逐渐成为开发的主体目标。建立精准的复杂断块油藏三维地质模型对指导油田开发有着重要的意义。三维地质建模技术能够更细致、准确地研究地下的油藏,为油藏的后续开发提供可靠的地质依据。以国外某油田断块构造发育区块为研究对象,针对研究区地质条件复杂、断层发育的特点,以地质、地震、测井资料为基础,搭建构造框架模型,应用地质统计学理论建立储层岩相及物性参数模型,揭示构造和储层空间分布特征,最终建立一个三维定量的油藏地质模型,在储层计算中各断块误差均小于5%,符合精度要求。该模型将为该区块数值模拟和井位设计等后续工作提供可靠的地质依据,同时也为同类复杂断块油藏的三维地质建模提供借鉴。%With the development of oil and gas exploration,some complex fault-block reservoirs have be-come the main objective.3D geologic modeling of complex fault-block reservoirs is an important significance to guide oilfield development.Study on underground reservoirs,3D geologic modeling technology is more particular and accurate,which supplies reliable data for future development.Study on an overseas oilfield which has the complex fault-block,the geologic condition of the complex fault-block is complex.Based on geological,seismic and logging data,the structural modeling had been built.The lithofacies modeling and physical property modeling had been built by geostatistics theory which reveal the structural attitude and spatial distribution.3D geologic modeling of the block had been built at last.The results showed that the reserves error of these fault-blocks were within 5%,which meet the requirement.The 3D geologic modeling of the block will provide reliable geological basis for the numerical simulation and the location and so on, and provide some useful reference for 3D geologic modeling technology of similar complex fault-block res-ervoirs.



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