首页> 中文期刊> 《南阳师范学院学报》 >论自由心证制度的建构




自由心证制度被实践证明是一项具有科学性和合理性的制度,它有其自身的存在价值,对于发现案件事实真相、实现司法独立目标、维护司法公正和司法权威具有重要作用。自由心证的核心在于设计一套有效的制度来确保法官合理心证,法官的良心和理性是自由心证的必要前提,经验法则和逻辑法则则是自由心证的基本方法。自由心证的制度构建包括合理心证制度、心证公开制度、判决理由制度和不当心证救济制度等。%Free proof system had been proven to be a scientific and rational system, having its own value of existence. Besides, it has an important role to play in clarifying the truth from among the facts and practical details of cases, achieving the target of judicial independence, as well as safeguarding judicial justice and judicial authority. The key to free proof lies in the design of an effective system to ensure the rationality of the evaluation of evidence on the part of judges. The judge' s conscience and reason are the prerequisite for free proof, and experience rule and logic rule are the basic method of free proof. The construction of free proof system incorporates the construction of such systems as system of reasonable evaluation of evidence, open system of evaluation of evidence, system of reasons for court decisions, and relief system for improper evaluation of evidence.



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