首页> 中文期刊> 《南阳师范学院学报》 >蒋春霖词学观念与词风探源




蒋春霖的《水云楼词》呈现“汇纳百宗”的集大成特点,词风兼有沉郁、清空、含蓄等风格,与他的词学观念息息相关,远绍《文心雕龙》,近法常州词派。 在创作艺术上,蒋春霖更撷采众芳,集诸家所长,主要对杜甫、姜夔、张炎以及花间词、晚唐诗风进行借鉴,于杜甫则因遭际相似,在情感表达和时代性格方面有意无意地趋同,于姜、张则在艺术手法和审美倾向上多所取法,于花间词和晚唐诗则在某些作品的遣词造句角度借鉴化用,蒋春霖将这些前辈的优秀之处熔于一炉,融会贯通,终成一代名家。%Jiang Chunlin is an outstanding Ci poet in modern Chinese history, whose Ci Collections of Shuiyun Studio are characterized by its inclusiveness and comprehensiveness.These poems are of profound emotions and reflect the remarkable creative talent of the poet.Jiang's poetic style is closely linked with his concept on lyric poetry and is deeply influenced by The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, a highly influential work on Chinese literary aesthetics as well as by the Changzhou school of Ci poems.His poems capture the tumultuous times and give vent to his sense of life experiences.Jiang's poetic writing style chiefly imitates those of Du Fu and other poets of the mid-and-late Tang Dynasty, such as Jiang Kui and Zhang Yan.In conclusion, Jiang Chunlin skillfully draws upon the merits of other Ci poets and forges his unique style of poetic writing, making himself a Ci poet-laureate in the Qing Dynasty.



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