首页> 中文期刊>南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版) >视觉人称:绘画与影像艺术作品中的感知视角




Change of the person of vision plays a decisive role in the result of viewing. Establishment of a suitable visual angle is not only the premise of rational viewing, but also the precondition for artistic ideas to get disseminated in artistic works. The visual angle of participants in events of painting and video artis tic works (the first person) lays particular emphasis on feeling of vision and may realize aesthetic transfer between the author and the audience with relaxation. The visual angle of spectators as the visual angle of audience (the third person) highlights narration, which can better reflect the intention of creation. Study on positioning and change of person of the visual angle will help to better understand the purpose of cre ation of works and facilitate creation, and, simultaneously, realize omnidirectional and multiangle aes thetic consensus in visual dimensionality.%视觉的人称变化对观看的结果起着决定性的作用,合适的视角既是合理观看的前提,也是艺术理念得以传播的先决条件。作品中事件行为主体的观看视角(第一人称视角)强调观者体验感知并沉浸其中,在心理上产生审美移情;事件旁观者视角(第三人称视角)与无行为主体假想视角强调叙述,更注重对事件本质的掌控。通过对视角的人称定位与变化的研究,将有利于更好的理解作品创作目的并协助创作,同时实现全方位、多维度视觉上的审美共识。



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