


1886年8月发生的长崎事件是中日两国因朝鲜甲申政变签订《天津条约》后发生的一次重要的外交事件。作为日本近代化思想先驱的福泽谕吉将事件的责任推给中国,并认为中国所采取的引进西方文明的“中体西用”模式是造成此次事件的深层次原因。为防止此类事件再次发生及便于处理,他建议政府尽快修建东京到长崎的铁路。福泽所持对事件处理的强硬立场只不过是为了最大限度地维护日本的“国家利益”而做出的虚张声势,其言论对日本社会已经存在的反华情绪起到了火上浇油的作用,支持了日本政府内部对华强硬派的对华政策。%Nagasaki incident which happened in August 1886 was a major diplomatic event which occurred after China and Japan signed the Tianjin "treaty " of Jiashen coup over North Korea. In the comments of the events in Nagasaki, Fukuzawa Yukichi believed that China should be responsible for the event and Chinese - style westernization model is the deep - seated reason of the event. At the same time, in order to prevent the recurrence in the future and conveniently handle such incident, he suggested the Japanese govern- ment fix the railway from Tokyo to Nagasaki as soon as possible. The discrepancy between his evaluation on the Chinese civilization and China' s real strength caused the enormous contrast from the tough theory in the beginning to the settlement of "joy" after the incident. Thus it can be seen that the tough theory is just in order to make bravado to maintain the Japan' s "national interest" on maximum ex- tent. His comments on China has played the role of " adding fuel to the flames " in existence for anti - Chinese sentiment in Japanese society and also supported the policy toward China made by the Japanese internal government.



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