首页> 中文期刊>牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) >唐代亲情诗的主题意蕴分析——以杜甫亲情诗为中心




亲情诗由《诗经》肇始,到唐代已相当成熟。杜甫可谓唐代亲情诗的集大成者,其亲情诗的思想主题可概括为:礼下静好的夫妻之情、舐犊情深的父孺之爱、血脉相连的兄弟(姊妹)亲情等。杜甫的亲情诗内容丰富且内涵深邃,并以独特的艺术风格和较高的艺术价值影响着后世诗人的创作。%The onset of family poetry from the Book of Songs, through the development of various dynasties, to the tang dynasty, has quite mature. Du Fu can be described as a master of family poems of the Tang Dynasty , and the family poems up to 60 more than the first. The ideological themes of the family poems of Du Fu can be summarized for the ceremony under static good feelings of the husband and wife, Very loving father of the child and related by blood brother (sister) family, etc. By Du Fu's family emotion to better understand the implication of family poems theme of the Tang Dynasty.



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