首页> 中文期刊> 《气象与环境学报》 >1961-2010年黑龙江省气候季节时空分布及其变化特征




利用1961—2010年黑龙江省日平均气温资料对黑龙江省气候季节进行划分,并分析其时空分布和变化特征。结果表明:黑龙江省北部和东南部与俄罗斯交界地区属于无夏区,中西部和东部地区属于四季分明区。黑龙江省春季起始时间为4月下旬至5月中旬,呈南早北晚分布;夏季起始时间(四季分明区)为6月下旬至7月下旬,夏季起始时间黑龙江省中西部地区呈南早北晚分布,东部地区呈南晚北早分布;秋季起始时间为7月中旬至8月中旬,全省呈北早南晚分布;冬季起始时间为9月中旬至10月上旬,呈北早南晚分布。黑龙江省春季平均长度为70 d,西部地区春季短,东部地区春季长;夏季平均长度(四季分明区)为32 d;秋季平均长度为59 d;冬季平均长度为214 d,北部地区冬季长,西南部地区冬季短。1961—2010年黑龙江省入春和入夏时间提前,入秋和入冬时间推迟;夏季长度明显延长,冬季长度明显缩短,非冬季长度明显延长。%According to the meteorological industry standard “Division of climatic season ”(QX/T 152-2012),the climatic seasons in Heilongjiang province were classified using daily mean air temperature data from 1961 to 2010, and its temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and trends were analyzed.The results indicate that there is no summer in the north and the southeast areas close to the Russia border zone in Heilongjiang province,while there is four significant seasons in the central and western and the eastern areas.The beginning date of spring is from late April to middle May and early in the south and late in the north;that of summer(in the region with four significant seasons)is from late June to late July,and it is early in the south and late in the north of the central and western Heilongjiang province,while it is early in the north and late in the south in the eastern region;that of au-tumn is from the middle of July to middle August and late in the south and late in the north;that of winter is from the middle of September to early October and early in the north and late in the south.Average duration of spring is 70 days and short in the west and long in the east;that of summer(in the region with four significant seasons)and autumn is 32 days and 59 days,respectively;that of winter is 214 days,and it is long in the north and short in the southwest.The beginning dates of spring and summer are advanced from 1961 to 2010 in Heilongjiang province, while those of autumn and winter are delayed;duration of summer prolongs significantly and that of winter short-ens,while that of non-winter also prolongs in Heilongjiang province.



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