首页> 中文期刊> 《医学研究杂志》 >铜绿假单胞菌体外生物膜模型的建立和鉴定




Objective To build and identify verdigris pseudomonas biofilm model in vitro. Methods Verdigris pseudomonas were selected. By modified plate methods, stable verdigris pseudomonas biofilm model in vitro was built. The shapes of verdigris pseudomonas biofilm model in vitro and pelagic type verdigris pseudomonas were observed by sem, Fontana silver staining method, AB combined extracellular polysaccharide staining. Results By AB combined extracellular polysaccharide staining, cells were light red, extracellular glucose was deep red, and background was blue. By Fontana silver staining, cell was faint red, extracellular glucose was deep yellow, and background was orange yellow. By sem, bacterial biofilm was short sticky, bounding by viscous material, and there was melicera fibrous brin among becterials. Conclusion Building verdigris pseudomonas biofilm model in vitro was simple, and the results were reliable and repeatable. It provided experimental basis for further verdigris pseudomonas clinical therapy.%目的 建立和鉴定铜绿假单胞菌体外生物膜.方法 采用改良平板法,用扫描电镜、Fontana镀银染色法和刚果红-阿利新蓝(AB)染液联合胞外多糖染色法观察体外生物膜型的铜绿假单胞菌和浮游型铜绿假单胞菌的形态,建立稳定、可靠的铜绿假单胞菌体外生物膜模型.结果 刚果红-阿利新蓝(AB)染液联合细菌胞外糖染色法,细菌细胞呈淡红色,胞外糖为深紫红色,背景呈蓝色;Fontana镀银染色法细菌细胞呈绛红色,胞外糖为深黄色,背景呈桔黄色;扫描电镜下生物膜细菌呈短杆状,周围被黏稠状物质紧紧包绕,菌体间以黏稠的纤维状黏液丝相连.结论 铜绿假单胞菌体外培养建立生物膜的方法简便易行,结果可靠,重复性好,为进一步开展铜绿假单胞菌临床治疗的研究提供了实验手段.



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