首页> 中文期刊> 《医学影像学杂志》 >MRI在膝关节非肿瘤性病变中的应用




Objective To investigate the value of MRI in diagnosing and clinical guiding of non-neoplastic diseases of the knee joint.Methods In this study, a retrospective review and comparison of the preoperative MR imaging and arthroscopic or in-traoperative findings of 118 patients with knee diseases were performed.Results We took arthroscopic and intraoperative findings as gold standard.The accuracy of MRI in diagnosing non-neoplastic diseases of the knee joint was 77.1%, 79.8%, 88.9%, 90.9%, 78.3%, 73.0%, 100%, 100%, 100%and 100%for ligament injury, meniscus injury, meniscus bucket-handle tear, discoid meniscus, cartilaginous injury, synovial diseases, joint capsular injury, osteomyelitis, loose bodies, popliteal cyst, re-spectively.Conclusion MRI is a sensitive imaging modality in diagnosing various non-neoplastic knee diseases, especially in displaying degree, stage, extent and property of the lesion.%目的:探讨MRI对膝关节非肿瘤性病变的诊断价值及其对临床治疗的指导意义。方法回顾性分析、对比118例膝关节病变的关节镜或手术结果与术前MRI结果。结果以关节镜或手术为金标准,MRI显示病变的准确性分别为韧带损伤77.1%(64/83),半月板损伤79.8%(67/84),其中半月板桶柄样撕裂88.9%(8/9),盘状半月板90.9%(10/11),软骨损伤78.3%(83/109),滑膜病变73.0%(27/37),关节囊受损100%(7/7),骨髓炎100%(4/4),游离体100%(12/12),腘窝囊肿100%(3/3)。结论 MRI能够准确评价膝关节各类疾病,尤其对病变程度、分期、范围及性质的判断。



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