首页> 中文期刊> 《数理医药学杂志》 >影响公民自愿无偿献血的因素调查分析




目的:探究影响公民自愿无偿献血的因素,为有关部门推进无偿献血事业的发展提供相应的依据.方法:在翻阅过往文献资料和研究的基础上,设计影响公民自愿无偿献血的因素的调查问卷,随机抽取居民进行无偿献血的问卷调查,共调查居民1823人,其中,市区居民675人,周围县城居民1148人,汉族居民1156人,少数民族居民667人.结果:在参与调查的1823名居民中,曾自愿无偿献血者857人,占比47.01%;未献过血者966人,占比52.99%.影响居民自愿无偿献血的因素主要包括居民的性别、年龄、文化程度、居住地以及职业等,通过对居民不愿意无偿献血的原因进行调查,主要包括:工作或生活比较繁忙(占比32.00%),对无偿献血存在认知误区,如认为会对身体产生不良影响(占比8.90%)、传播传染病(占比11.49%)以及害怕疼痛(占比12.94%)等,家人反对(占比6.00%),不知道献血方式与地点(占比3.63%).结论:公民自愿无偿献血的行为受到性别、年龄、文化程度、职业以及居住地等多种因素的影响,部分公民对无偿献血仍存在较大的误区,因此,相关部门应当因势利导,加大宣传,鼓励公民自愿无偿献血,促进无偿献血事业的进一步发展.%Objective:To explore the factors that affect the voluntary blood donation of citizens, and to provide the corresponding basis for the relevant departments to promote the development of gratuitous blood donation.Methods:Based on the previous literatures and research,the questionnaires were designed to evaluate the factors of voluntary voluntary blood donation.A total of 1823 residents were surveyed by residents, including 675 inhabitants of urban residents county residents 1148 people,1156 Han residents, ethnic minority residents 667 people.Results: Among the 1823 residents who participated in the survey,857 were voluntary blood donation,accounting for 47.01%, and 966 people were excluded,accounting for 52.99%.The factors that affected residents' voluntary blood donation mainly included residents' gender,age,education level,place of residence and occupation,etc..Through the the investigation of the reasons for unwillingness to donate blood, it was found the reasons were busy work or life (accounting for 32.00%),a cognitive misunderstanding of blood donation (accounting for 12.90%),transmission of infectious diseases (11.49%) and fear of pain (12.94%),family opposition (accounting for 6.00%),not knowing the way and place of blood donation (accounting for 3.63 %).Conclusion:The behavior of voluntary voluntary blood donation by citizens is affected by gender,age,educational level,occupation and residence.Some citizens still have great misunderstanding about unpaid blood donation.Therefore, the relevant departments should make good progress, encourage citizens to voluntarily unpaid blood donation and promote the further development of unpaid blood donation.



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