首页> 中文期刊> 《海交史研究》 >跨洋流动、地方适应与中国联结——毛里求斯华人社团与社会探析




基于田野调查与文献研究,从华人社团组织与社会发展的角度,可见毛里求斯华人的跨洋流动、文化适应与地方化进程,而华人社团的历史变迁,见证了毛里求斯华人跨洋寻求发展的历程.毛里求斯华人社团活动与社会关系的交织重叠,乃华人社会与文化延续的内在动力,同时也为当地华人提供了更为广泛的公共空间.随着中国的崛起,加之毛里求斯作为中非之间人、物流动"中转站"的特殊地理区位,更使两国之间的经济、文化交流在全球时代日趋频繁,并对毛里求斯的华人社团乃至地方社会产生了更进一步的影响.%This article aims to describe trans-oceanic migration,cultural adaptation and localization via analyzing Chinese associations and local social development in Mauritius. The study is based on interviews and documentary research. The associational activities of the Chinese in Mauritius are closely linked to local social relations,and they serve to perpetuate Chinese cultural continuity as well as provide more public space for them. With the economic rise of China,Mauritius continues to serve as an important transit point between China and Africa,and so there are more and frequent economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries in this globalized era. This development in turn influences the Chinese associations and the local society.



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