首页> 中文期刊>管理科学学报 >不确定环境下分散控制供应链物流计划优化




Supply chain logistics planning is the key issue of supply chain management. To solve the logistics planning problem of decentralized supply chain, in which the nodes can be unlimitedly expanded, the concept of supply chain cell is put forward. Considering the randomicity of supply and demand price among the supply chain, a integrated logistics planning model for the multi-stages, multi-nodes, multi-products and decentralized supply chain is introduced based on the stochastic chance-constrained programming theory. Based on random simulation, a hybrid intelligence algorithm is developed for this model. With a numerical examples simulation the effectiveness of the model and the algorithm is proved, meanwhile the reasonable ranges of parameter values in the algorithm are defined and the sensitivity of the parameters in the model are analyzed with numerical example simulation.%供应链物流计划是供应链管理的重要内容.针对节点无限扩展的分散控制供应链物流计划问题,在提出供应链元概念的基础上,考虑供应链节点企业上下游物料价格要素的随机性,应用随机机会约束规划理论,建立了多级多节点多产品分散控制供应链一体化物流计划模型;设计了基于随机模拟的混合智能算法求解模型;并以算例仿真验证了模型和算法的有效性,同时确定了算法参数合理的取值范围;最后通过仿真对模型参数进行了灵敏度分析.



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