首页> 中文期刊>宏观质量研究 >论特种设备检验检测的市场化及其限度∗




特种设备检验检测市场化的改革,有利于行政机关的简政放权,减少行政成本的同时,也提高行政的效率;另外,市场化有利于提高检验检测的服务质量,提高我国特种设备检验检测技术水平。特种设备检验检测市场化改革,需要宏观层面的理论指导,这样才能把握改革的总体方向;同时在检验和检测分立的立法格局下,分别探讨其市场化的方法以及其限度所在,明确市场的能与不能,为渐进和理性改革作好方法论的准备;而且,一项制度的改革,从来都不是只在一个维度上进行,需要其他制度的协调与配合。%The marketization reform of special equipment’s inspection and detection will help to streamline administration and delegate power to the lower levels,thus administrative efficiency is enhanced as well as administrative cost reduced.On the other hand,the marketization also helps to improve the service quality and the level of the inspection and detection.As to the marketization reform of special equipment’s inspection and detection,macro theory guidance is necessary to ensure the whole reform direction.Meanwhile,the legislation of inspection and detection being separated,the methods and its limitations are discussed,which will clarify the market’s capability and thus will well prepare the methodology for a progressive and reasonable reform.It should be also noticed that a reform of an institution needs coordination and cooperation of other institutions,rather than being carried out on only one dimension.



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