首页> 中文期刊> 《洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 >唐宋时期入幕广西诗人的心态及诗歌特征




In the Tang and Song Dynasties , poets recruited by the shogun officials became aides and staff to Guangxi’s shoguns in a no small number.Because of Guangxi’s shogun status was low, and the poetic assistants felt difficult to have a promotion opportunity, they generally had a sojourner mentality and boring interest .Under the depression of this kind of mentality and boring interest , the poems they composed, which were neither like those of most of the aggrandize staff poets nor like those of the grandiloquent rhetoric and chants by the loyal or expedition poets, were devoid of no balance or were biased but a bit more calm and objective .%  唐宋时期,受幕府之辟而入幕广西的诗人不在少数。因广西幕府的地位低,入幕诗人很难看到升迁的转机,他们普遍具有寄居的心态和百无聊赖的意趣。在这种心态和意趣的支配下,幕僚诗人的创作既不像大多数贬谪诗人失衡偏颇,也不像宦游诗人那样高调颂歌,而是多了几分冷静和客观。



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