


In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, in order to grab the right of domination and rival for hegemony, every vassal state focused on the development of agricultural production and cereal storage. Agricultural development saw the appearance and application of iron farm tools, expansion of the artificial irrigation area, manual fertilization and popularization etc. During this period, the forms of grain storage were ground storage houses and underground barn cellars, which were divided into state and private grain storages. The cereal storages aimed at military spending, disaster relief, salary expenses of the officials, expenditure of the palace and so on. The cereal storage during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was a step forward both in its size and management.%东周时期,各诸侯国为了称雄争霸,都比较注重农业生产的发展及粮食的储藏。农业发展表现为:铁农具的出现和使用,人工灌溉面积扩大,人工施肥的推广等。这个时期,储粮形式有地上仓房和地下粮窖,储粮分为国家储粮和私人储粮。储粮的用途为:军费开支、救灾、官吏俸禄、王宫费用等。东周时期,储粮无论是规模和管理,都向前跨进了一步。



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