首页> 中文期刊> 《漯河职业技术学院学报》 >市场PM2.5口罩可信赖度及对环卫工作者职业卫生现状改善的研究




雾霾会对人体造成很多不良影响,例如咳嗽、咽痛等,甚至会导致肺癌。我国大部分地区都受到雾霾影响,但在口罩防护方面却存在很大问题。为了在雾霾天气为人们选择口罩提供一些参考数据,从市场、群众选择、认可度等方面进行调查分析,结果表明:绝大多数人对口罩防护抱有期望,但市场上销售的口罩并不能满足人们的需求。在调查中选取了一种医用口罩和两种防霾口罩,运用了对照试验方法,将不可计数的实验现象转换成可以定量分析的实验数据和结论,实验结果表明口罩对雾霾具有一定的防护效果,但不能达到预期效果。受雾霾影响最大的职业人群是环卫工作者,对他们的实地采访表明,他们的职业卫生现状并不好,大部分没有采取雾霾防护措施,面临许多问题。例如,目前存在单位不发放口罩或发放次数太少、发放的不是防霾口罩,以及环卫工作者不会使用或不愿佩戴口罩等问题。建议相关部门定时适量发放口罩,并发放防霾效果较好的口罩,同时加强对环卫工作者的防霾宣传和培训。%The haze will cause many adverse effects on the human body,such as cough,sore throat,and even lead to lung cancer.Most areas of our country are affected by the haze,but there are a lot of problems in the protection of masks.In order to provide some reference data for people choose haze masks from the market,we did investiga-tion and analysis from mass selection,recognition and other aspects;the results show that the vast majority of peo-ple have expectations of protective masks,but the masks on the market can not meet the needs of the people.In the survey,we choose a medical mask and two kinds of anti haze masks,using the comparative method,the experi-mental phenomena will not be counted into the quantitative analysis of the experimental data and conclusions;the experimental results show that the mask has a protective effect on the haze,but can not reach the expected effect. The biggest occupational population affected by the haze is sanitation workers.The field interviews show that their occupation health status is not good;most did not take measures to protect the haze,facing many problems.For ex-ample,some units did not issue a mask or the number is too little,or the mask is not anti haze mask,and sanita-tion workers will not use or do not want to wear masks.It is suggested that relevant department should regularly is-sue masks,and the masks should have better effect,while strengthening the anti haze publicity and training of sani-tation workers.



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