首页> 中文期刊>辽宁省交通高等专科学校学报 >“公”还是“私”?站在风口浪尖的剑桥--兼论英国高等教育私有化转型趋势




〔Abstract〕 As one of iconic higher educational institutes of British Commonwealth of Nations, Cambridge University is brought onto the peak of the wave by its publicity or reform of privatization. Accordance with the decreasing financial investment on higher education, the popularized paid education brings Cambridge unprecedented opportunities or becomes its heave burden for developing. The enlightenment from interna-tional reforms of developed higher education hedges its passive effects of the privatization, thus, it is the in-evitable trend for Cambridge to further its privatization reform, which takes paid education as its main form.%剑桥大学作为英联邦标志性的高等教育机构,其公立的性质和私有化进程将其发展前途推向风口浪尖。伴随财政投入的减少,收费的大众化教育对剑桥是前所未有的机遇还是发展的负担成为剑桥必须考虑的问题。国际发达的高等教育改革的大趋势为剑桥带来的启示规避了其私有化转型可能带来的负面效应,从而使剑桥以收费为主要改革方向的私有化进程成为其发展史上的必然趋势。



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