首页> 中文期刊>乐山师范学院学报 >苏轼乐山遗迹考




苏轼乐山遗迹有11处之多,分布在今乐山市市中区凌云山、龙泓山、白岩山、苏稽镇和五通区金粟镇等5个地点,可分为两大类:第一类是有文献可稽的苏轼当年足迹到过而以后人的纪念形式留传至今的遗迹,形成时间较早,一般在南宋以前;第二类主要是因为苏轼有关乐山活动及民间传说形成的遗迹,时间较晚,一般在明代以后。经笔者实地调查,知其保存状况或好或坏。笔者认为,苏轼乐山遗迹均有很高的文化价值,是乐山乃至四川继承和宏扬东坡文化不可或缺的一部分。地方政府应吸取以往开发保护保护工作中的经验和教训,坚持《文物法》“整旧如旧”的原则,做好现存东坡遗迹的开发保护留传工作,以提高乐山城市的文化品位,促进乐山文化建设事业的健康发展。%Su Shi’s historical remains in Leshan have been claimed over 11 sites, 5 sites distributed in the Central District of Leshan City, including Lingyun Mountain, Longhong Mountain, Baiyan Mountain, Suji Town and Jinsu Town of Wutongqiong. And it can be divided into two categories: The first category can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty when Su Shi visited Leshan and the descendants recorded his footprints; the second category can be traced back to the materials in Ming dynasty, which came from the historical remains of Su Shi’s activities in Leshan and the folklore about it. After the field survey, the paper concludes that Su Shi historical remains in Leshan have high cultural value and is part of the Su Dongpo’s culture. The local government should learn from past experiences in developing and protecting historical and cultural heritages, adhering to Law of Cultural Relics, and protect and develop Su Dongpo’s extant historical remains to improve the Leshan’s cultural taste, and promote the healthy development of Leshan’s cultural industry.



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