首页> 中文期刊> 《乐山师范学院学报》 >近现代中国高校日语专业教育流变探析




The modern higher education of Japanese Major in China starts from the establishment of the subject of Japanese Literature in Peking University. It has been nearly a century with the development of higher education in China. Higher education of Japanese has different characteristics in different periods in history. In the early period of Liberation, the higher education of Japanese was to meet current political and military needs. During the Cultural Revolution, it suffered severe devastation,featuring with obvious liberation characteristics. In the early stage of reform and opening up, it was to train talents to adapt to economic and social development. After the enrollment expansion in 1999, the enrollment of Japanese major surged and the employment problem highlighted. In the coming period, deep reform will be carried out in improving the teaching quality and clearing training goals of Japanese major in China's colleges and universities.%我国近现代日语高等教育从北京大学日本文学科的建立开始,伴随着我国的高等教育发展,走过了近一个世纪。不同时期的日语高等教育具有不同的历史特点。解放初期,高等日语教育是为满足当时政治与军事的需求;文革时期的日语高等教育遭受严重摧残,其教学内容具有显著的“革命”色彩;改革开放初期,高等日语教育是培养适应我国经济与社会发展的精英人才;1999年高校扩招以后,我国高等日语专业招生人数激增,就业难问题凸显。今后一段时期,我国高校日语专业教育应在提高培养质量与明确培养目标上深化改革。



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