首页> 中文期刊>乐山师范学院学报 >贫穷的书写:宋代福建同安苏氏家族的经济生活状况及其成因与文化品格--以苏颂、苏泂诗文为主要考察对象




贫穷生活状况在苏颂、苏泂的身上得到了很好体现。他们的贫穷生活状况持续的时间长,涉及的范围广。其中祖辈、父辈经济积淀缺乏,家族人口众多是其共同原因,而政治斗争、清廉品德、不立田产是导致苏颂生活困顿的原因,仕途失意、战乱频发、天灾不断则是造成苏泂生活窘迫的因素。苏颂、苏泂在贫穷生活状况背后,表现出的是安贫乐道的文化品格。%The poor condition of Su Song and Su Jiong was reflected on their poems and prose. The poor condition of Su Song and Su Jiong lasted a long time and involved every aspect of their life. The common reasons were that their fathers and grandfathers lack economic accumulation and Su’s clan had a large pop-ulation. Reasons for poverty of Su Song were political batters, his upright and uncorrupted character and no homestead. Reasons for poverty of Su Jiong were frustrated career, frequent wars and natural disasters. Be-hind the poor condition, Su Song and Su Jiong showed a cultural character which was taking poverty as it was and devoted to virtuous life.



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