首页> 中文期刊>兰州交通大学学报 >非物质文化遗产保护视野下的西北少数民族口头文学--评《西北回族口头文学研究》




作为口头传统的口头文学具有最为广泛的传承性、传播性和扩布性。从民俗学角度看,口头文学是语言民俗,属于信息交流系统。因而,作为语言交流的一种形式或媒介,口头文学不仅在本民族内部承担着信息交流、文化传承、情感沟通等功能,还在不同民族、地区实现着各种讯息的横向扩布。口头文学作为非物质文化遗产重要的有机的组成部分,在体现民族个性、文化多样性的同时,也展示着人类文化共通性的一面,即“你中有我,我中有你”。从某种意义上说,口头文学既是人类文明的基因,人类生命的记忆,也是人类文化创造的源泉;既是人类智慧的结晶,也是人类的精神家园。《西北回族口头文学研究》一书,在该领域的学术研究中,具有较高的学术价值。%As an old tradition,oral literature has a most commonly accepted character of inheriting tradition and spreading widely.As far as focklore is concerned,oral literature is a linguistic folk-way and belongs to information and communication system.So it is a form and media of language communication,which not only plays an important role in information transition,culture inherit-ance as well as emotional communication among natives,but also spreads various kinds of infou-mation to different nations and regions.Being a very important organic part in Intangible Culture Heritage,oral literature shows the very nation's personality,cultural diversity as well as the com-mon characters of different nations and cultures,that is to say,"there is something of each in the other".In a sense,oral literature is the gene of human culture,memory of humanlife,origin of cul-tural creativity,crysttalization of human wisdom and home of human spirit.



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