首页> 中文期刊>昆明学院学报 >西晋王范《交广春秋》考述




Jiao Guang Chun Qiu is the earliest local records of Guangdong province,but its content was scattered in some ancient books such as Commentary on the Waterways Classi.This book was quoted a lot in Commentary on the Waterways Classic.Experienced Wu and Jin dynasties,Wang Fan ran away at the end of Wu dynasty due to the rebellion by Guo Ma,and he was an officer in Guanzhou after Jin army defeated Wu army.Wang created Jiao Guang Chun Qiu,and presented to the emperor in 287 A.D.Huang Gong in Jin dynasty sup-plemented Jiao Guang Chun Qiu since he thought the author skipped a lot.Jiao Guang Chun Qiu was lost in the middle of Tang dynasty and so did the supplement after the North Song dynasty.However,the historical events about Bu Zhi and Zhao Tuo are valuable till now.%西晋王范的《交广春秋》是广东最早的方志,但由于年代久远,此书早已亡佚,其内容只散见于《水经注》等古籍中。该书较早为《水经注》征引,且最多。王范经历吴、晋两朝,吴末曾遭郭马之乱出逃,晋平吴后官广州大中正,作《交广春秋》,太康八年(287年)进上。晋黄恭以王氏《交广春秋》多所遗漏,又为补遗。王范《交广春秋》约亡佚于中唐,北宋后黄恭所作《补遗》亦亡。《交广春秋》所留存资料如步骘事、赵佗事等,皆颇具文史价值。



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