首页> 中文期刊>昆明学院学报 >对词项外延否定与内涵否定结果的同异比较




形式逻辑的外延排除否定()与辩证逻辑的内涵反称否定(~)是一对呈正反对称互补关系的否定算子,它们对任意词项的非反否定之外延结果既有同又有异。通过对二极对立统一体和三极对立统一体之构成词项的非反否定演算,引出了此两种逻辑共有的“米”字型否定算法之外延结果和辩证逻辑特有的“日”字型否定算法之外延结果,并以事实为依据,验证了对此两种性质根本就不相同的否定算法之外延结果的同异性理论分析。%The donnotative eliminating negation of the formal logic and the connotaive inversive negation are a pair of negative operators with the complementary relationship of positive-negative symmetry,and they have the similarities and differences for the donnotative re-sults of the non-inversive negation about the arbitrary items.The non-inversive negative calculation of items from dipole and triple unity of opposites leads to the mutual donnotative result of the negative calculation with the pattern of“米”and the special result in dialecti-cal logic with the“日”pattern.According to the facts,the two theoretical analysis of the similarities and differences from the donnota-tive results of the different negative calculations with different essence are proved.



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