首页> 中文期刊> 《景德镇高专学报 》 >詹姆斯小说叙事艺术评析--以《螺丝在拧紧》的悬念设置为基点




Henry James is extolled as the forerunner of the American modern psychological novels. The turn of the Screw involving the psychological description of characters is considered as one of James' masterpieces. In this novella, James invents a new way of setting the suspense to individualize his novella and makes it full of mystique. By means of various suspense,James indicates the developmental trajectories of characters, adding psychological background to them; also, seconded by revealing their complex psychological activities, James embodies not only the weakness and conflict of humanity in characters' personality, but also the inexpressible feelings resulting from the internal world collides with the external world. From this point of view, based on the artistic appeal of suspense, this thesis strives to prove James' ingenuity of narrative art, uncovering characters who possesses complicated and conflicting psychology, demonstrating the novella's unique artistic value and charm.%亨利·詹姆斯被称作心理分析小说的鼻祖,他的代表作之一《螺丝在拧紧》是一部描写人物心理的哥特式中篇小说。整部小说风格奇特,充满神秘感,呈现了叙事艺术的全新格局。詹姆斯通过层层悬念的设置,逐步展现人物性格的发展轨迹,实现对人物心理的独创性描写,并通过揭示人物深奥隐晦的心理活动,呈现人性的堕落以及善恶冲突,反映人物内心世界与外部世界相碰撞而产生的微妙感受。本文以小说悬念设置为基点,深入分析詹姆斯独特的叙事手法以及其写作技巧背后所隐藏的复杂的人物心理,从而更深入地阐述这部小说的艺术价值与魅力。



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