首页> 中文期刊>吉林大学学报(理学版) >基于能量回馈技术再并网系统的设计与实现




针对有源能量回馈控制问题,通过分析电机制动状态下电流波形和能量转换过程,并在同步旋转 dq 坐标系下建立三相电压型并网逆变器的数学模型,采用直接电流控制的空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)算法,实现了并网回馈电流有功分量和无功分量的独立控制,并搭建了能量回馈系统的实验平台,完成了三相并网逆变器的电阻负载实验和并网回馈实验。该系统解决了能量回馈过程中注入电网时产生的问题,并能实现网侧单位功率因数控制。%In view of the active energy of motor feedback system,the current waveform and the energy conversion process of a motor in brake state were analyzed,and the mathematical model of the three-phase voltage-type inverter grid was established in the synchronous rotating dq coordinate system,the independent control of the feedback current active component and reactive component grid was achieved with SVPWM direct current control algorithm,building experimental platform of motor energy feedback system in order to complete the resistive load experiments and feedback experiments of three-phase grid-connected inverters.The experimental results show that bidirectional flowing of the energy is implemented with energy feedback,and the harmonics are suppressed effectively.



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