首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林金融研究》 >关于农村商业银行薪酬绩效管理机制的实践与思考--以江苏滨海农商银行为例




Current, performance pay has become a performance evaluation of a new trend, gradually in the bank spread, many banks began to committed to full pay for performance appraisal, by taking a pay for performance, encourage and reward outstanding employees, at the same time, spur and urging backward employees. To the bank staff to bring greater incentive effect, enhance the strength and cohesion of the bank. This is in Jiangsu Binhai rural commercial bank in the past two years of pay for performance and implement mechanisms for innovation, for example, conscientiously sum up compensation and performance management mechanism in the practice of Jiangsu Binhai rural commercial bank, and digs out the problems, and puts forward some countermeasures for the next stage. And the conclusions are as follows: in the reform and restructuring of the way of development, only by constantly building suitable for their salary and performance system in order to effectively play the baton and booster in the mobilization of staff's work enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, promote a greater role in the business of steady and rapid development.%当前,绩效薪酬已经成为绩效考核领域一种新的趋势,也逐渐在各银行中推广开来,不少银行开始致力于进行全面绩效薪酬考核,通过采取绩效薪酬的方式,鼓舞和奖励优秀的员工,同时鞭策和督促落后的员工。给银行员工带来更大的激励效果,增强银行的向心力和凝聚力。本文以江苏滨海农村商业银行近两年的薪酬绩效实施机制创新为例,认真总结薪酬绩效管理机制在江苏滨海农商银行的实践,挖掘现存的问题,提出了下一阶段的对策。并得出结论:在改革转型发展之路上,只有不断打造适合自身的薪酬绩效体系,才能有效发挥这一指挥棒和助推器在调动全员的工作积极性、能动性和创造性,促进各项业务的稳健快速发展中更大的作用。



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