首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林农业大学学报》 >东北玉米生长发育动态模拟模型研究




利用相关试验数据和气象资料,通过MATLAB及相关软件求得模型参数,确立东北玉米生长发育动态模拟模型,对玉米生育期、植株累积干物质及产量等进行模拟.经实测值与模拟值对比发现,玉米各生育期之间观测与模拟的平均绝对误差都为2.6d,植株干物质累积量的平均相对模拟误差为25%,玉米叶面积指数实测值和模拟值吻合较好,R2和RMSE分别为0.975和0.261,模型模拟效果较好,可用于对玉米生长和产量的模拟以及对作物的生长监测和遥感估产.%Based on the related experimental and meteorological data, model parameters were fitted through the cftool tool of matlab software. Then, the dynamic simulation model of maize growth was established . Results showed that the average absolute error of simulated and measured maize duration at different growth stages is both 2.6 d and the average relative stimulative error of plant dry matter cumulant is 25%.The measured and simulated leaf area index coincide well, and R2 and RMSE are 0.975 and 0.261 respectively.The simulative effect of the model is good. The model can be used for the simulation of growth and yield of maize and for crop growth monitoring and remote sensing of yield estimation.



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