首页> 中文期刊> 《江西理工大学学报》 >盾构隧道施工过程微扰动控制体系及其应用研究




In order to strictly control the disturbed effects on the adjacent buildings and structures of shield driven tunnel and to ensure the normal use of the existing buildings along the railway line and the smooth construction of the subway, a micro-disturbed control technology system for shield tunnel construction process is established. The system is formed by disturbance control of the before construction period and during construction period. According to the proposed construction schemes and support form, micro disturbance index and permissible value range are determined before construction, then the disturbance of subway construction to buildings can be predicted by FLAC3D to control micro perturbation parameter values in the range of permissible value. If the real-time monitoring value of micro-disturbed index goes beyond the permissible value range, the relevant construction parameters are adjusted to control the index value in the permissible value range, thus achieving micro disturbance in the construction. This system is successfully applied in the shield under the arcade project of No.2 and No.8 extension line of Guangzhou subway (the 14th section), which means the system is feasible and effective.%为严格控制盾构隧道施工过程中对周边建(构)筑物的扰动影响,确保地铁穿越时沿线已有建(构)筑物的正常使用和地铁建造的顺利进行,建立了盾构隧道施工过程的微扰动控制技术体系,该体系由施工前、施工中的扰动控制形成.施工前确定微扰动指标及其容许值范围,根据拟定的施工方案及支护形式,应用FLAC3D预测地铁施工对建构筑物的扰动情况,控制微扰动指标值在容许值范围内;施工中若实时监测微扰动指标超出容许值范围,则调整相关施工参数,使控制指标值在容许值范围内,进而达到微扰动施工.此体系在广州地铁二八号线延长线14标盾构下穿骑楼工程中成功应用,表明该技术体系有效可行,可推广使用.



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