首页> 中文期刊>江西教育学院学报 >层次分析法在《绩效管理》课程的教学思路及案例解析




“Performance management”course is one of the professional core courses of professional human resources man-agement;the main content of this course is to use the qualitative and quantitative method for performance appraisal and e-valuation personnel within the organization. Since this part involves in the more principle and process of comprehensive e-valuation in the statistics course,teachers and students generally reflect a certain degree of difficulty in the teaching and studying process. By analyzing the reason,it mainly lies in failing to closely combine comprehensive evaluation analysis method with performance appraisal process for students,in view of which this part in the research method has certain com-monality. Therefore,this article summarizes the teaching ideas of the comprehensive evaluation method in the performance evaluation course by combining with teaching experience,among which the key is to build the evaluation index system and estimate weights,and demonstrates the teaching idea and steps of the analytic hierarchy process(AHP)in the performance appraisal through the example for teaching.%《绩效管理》课程是人力资源管理专业的专业核心课程之一,该课程的重点内容是利用定性和定量方法对组织内的人员进行绩效考核与评价。由于此部分内容涉及较多的统计学的综合评价分析原理及步骤,在教学过程中师生普遍反映有一定的难度。究其原因,主要在于学生未能将综合评价分析方法与绩效考核流程相结合。文章归纳总结了综合评价方法在绩效考核课程的运用思路,其中关键点是构建评价指标体系和估算权重,并通过案例展示了层次分析法(AHP)在绩效考核中的教学思路及步骤以便于教学。



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