首页> 中文期刊>江西农业大学学报(社会科学版) >企业规模对稻米加工业利润率差异化影响的解释——基于比价扭曲视角




Scalization is an important goal of industrial development while the current rice processing mar-ket has shown a phenomenon of"meager profits for small enterprises and loss for large enterprises".This paper examines the effect of firm size on productivity in rice processing industry,and explains the difference between theory and reality.The results show that the size and productivity of rice processing enterprises are of an invert-ed"U"type,but most enterprises are located on the left side of the inflection point,indicating that the expan-sion of enterprise scale will bring about the improvement of enterprise efficiency.Further analysis shows that the price-distorting environment of"stronger paddy rice but weaker husked rice"can give some explanations for the deviation.According to the conclusion of this paper,short-term adaptation and long-term reform of the ad-justment model can promote the scale of the process in food processing industry.%实现规模化是粮食加工业发展的重要目标.然而,当前稻米加工业呈现的"小企业微利、大企业亏损"现象却对规模化政策的合理性带来挑战.基于工业企业数据库中企业层面数据,考察稻米加工业企业规模对利润率的影响.结果表明:稻米加工业企业规模与利润率呈倒"U"型关系,且多数企业位于拐点左侧,该结果意味着扩大企业规模有助于企业利润率的提升,这与现实状况不符.为进一步解释理论结果与现实差异,结合比价扭曲的稻米市场环境,实证检验比价扭曲对企业规模与利润率关系的调节效应,分析认为比价扭曲是导致企业规模整体偏低状况下企业规模与利润率走势趋异的重要原因.



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