首页> 中文期刊> 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 >无锡国学专修学校的创建和早期的曲折发展




无锡国学专修学校,简称无锡国专,原名无锡国学专修馆,始创于1920年底,发起并出资建馆者为施肇曾,馆长为唐文治。在该校的创办及最初数年间,得到了无锡当地商绅的大力支持,度过了初创时期的难关。该校以国学为专科,以"正人心,救民命"为办学宗旨,历时30载,培养一批宝贵的国学专门人才。1927年,无锡国专改制,并更名为无锡国学专修学院,不久易名为无锡国学专修学校。此后国专进入快速发展阶段,并迎来她的"鼎盛时期"。%Wu xi College of Chinese Culture was established at the end of December in 1920 and its chancellor was a famous scholar and educator Tang Wen-zhi(唐文治).He once was a high official in Qing Dynasty.Shi Zhao-zeng(施肇曾)was its sponsor and offered all the fee for the establishment of the college.The target of the college was "readjusting people's hearts,saving the people's lives ".Acting in accordance with the teaching aim,the college got a great achievement in education,about 2,000 kinds of talents of "Guo xue(国学)" went over China from the college and they made a great contribution in carrying forward traditional Chinese culture.The college lasted for 30 years.From the year of 1927,it had a beginning of new development,and next year,the college had its normal name "Wu xi College of Chinese Culture".It rapidly went to its period of full bloom.



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