首页> 中文期刊> 《江南社会学院学报》 >中美在朝核问题上的合作与分歧




The third nuclear test by north Korea intensified the situation of the Korean Peninsula,a new round of the North Korean nuclear crisis broke out.China and the US carried out a new round of policy interaction on the crisis,showing the possibility of cooperation.It helps to resolve the crisis and strengthen strategic mutual trust between the two countries.But there is also obvious divergence on the responsibility distinction and solutions to the Korean nuclear crisis,hence greater uncertainty for the settlement of the Korean nuclear issue and the stability of the Sino-US relations.The article offers some suggestions for promoting benign interactions over the Korean nuclear issue between China and the US.%朝鲜第三次核试验导致朝鲜半岛局势持续升级,新一轮朝核危机爆发。中美两国围绕本轮朝核危机,开展了新一轮政策互动,呈现出合作态势,这对化解朝核危机,增进中美战略互信具有积极作用。但是,双方就朝核问题的责任区分和解决路径仍存在明显分歧,这又给朝核问题的解决以及中美关系的稳定增添了不利因素。中美双方有必要就如何应对朝鲜半岛的潜在冲突开展对话,共同维护地区稳定;尊重彼此的利益关切,在中国的周边安全利益与美国的同盟安全义务之间寻找平衡点。从长远看,中美两国存在目标上的一致性,而当前中美两国在联合国安理会决议的框架内对朝鲜进行了制裁,双方有必要对制裁的后果做进一步讨论。



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