首页> 中文期刊> 《江南社会学院学报》 >中厄能源外交:动力、制约因素与拓展理路




Along with the widening supply and demand gap of domestic oil and gas,China is now continuously developing alternative areas to import energy.Abundant in oil,Ecuador is a significant follow-up area of oil and gas with good prospects,and has become a new investment destination for China’s energy enterprises.Energy cooperation between China and the oil-producing countries of Latin America has been lagging behind the strategy of win -win cooperation.This situation goes against China’s strategic deployment for safe supply of overseas energy.In the development of energy cooperation with Ecuador,China is facing a host of risks.To meet the needs of energy cooperation between China and Ecuador,a reasonable and effective strategy should be designed, which is essential to the maintenance of the security of energy supply,and has strategic significance in the realization of the rejuvenation of China.%随着国内油气供求缺口增大,中国不断拓展海外能源进口替代区。石油储量丰富的厄瓜多尔是具有良好开发前景的油气接续区,也是中国能源企业新的投资靶区。中国与拉美产油国的能源合作现状已滞后于双边合作共赢的战略规划,同时也不利于实现中国海外能源补给安全的战略部署。在拓展中厄能源合作方面,中国面临着一系列风险。设计合理有效的战略规划以适应中厄能源外交的需要,对于维护能源补给线安全,实现中华民族伟大复兴具有重要战略意义。



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