首页> 中文期刊>情报杂志 >重大社会安全事件的微博传播特征研究*--以昆明“3·1”暴恐事件中的@人民日报新浪微博为例




Through statistical analysis, this article analyzes the microblogging features and microblog comment features of @ People's Daily on Kunming "3. 1" Violent and Terrorist Incident at different times and by different sorts. We conclude the characteristics of Serious Social Security Incident Microblogging as follows: the Weibo release strategies vary with the incident development stages; the comment sentiment could be divided into outbreak period, diffusion period, interim period, convalescence and fade period, and the netizens' sentiment shows different features in different period; furthermore, the Weibo of the local media reacts faster than provincial or national media, and the Weibo with images and opinions can easily inspire netizens' interaction.%运用统计分析方法,对昆明暴恐事件@人民日报新浪微博及其评论进行分类、分时段分析,总结重大社会安全事件的微博传播特征。研究发现,事件中各类微博内容发布在事件不同阶段各有侧重;网民情绪爆发较快,而衰退相对较慢,其演变过程可以分为情绪爆发期、蔓延期、过渡期、恢复期和消退期,且各时期网民情绪呈现不同特点;事发现场个人往往成为信息的最早发布者,案发当地媒体微博反应速度比省级、国家级媒体微博快;微博附加值高、带有评论观点易引起网民互动。



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