首页> 中文期刊> 《湖州师范学院学报》 >菊品与诗心*--论欧阳修十年迁谪期的菊花诗




从庆历六年欧阳修被贬滁州至嘉祐四年回京任职的13年间,欧阳修创作了14首菊花诗,使菊花意象具有象征人生风雨的美学意蕴。从诗人赞菊、爱菊、种菊、叹菊、悲菊等一系列菊花情结的情感变化中,可以看出诗人多番宦海沉浮的心路历程。欧阳修将菊花凌寒怒放的品性与个人孤介坚贞的操守相契合,把菊花的象征意义与宦海沉浮的人生经历相对照,细腻展现了菊花的品性与诗人心路历程映照下的菊花情结。%From in the sixth year of Qingli Ouyang Xiu was demoted to Chuzhou and in the fourth year of Jiayou he came back to Beijing.During the 13 years Ouyang Xiu's composed 14 chrysanthemum poems which gave the chrysanthemum symbolic aesthetic meaning which compared the chrysanthemum to the ups and downs of life.From the praising of chrysanthemum,the love of chrysanthemum,the growing of chrysanthemum,the sigh of chrysanthemum and the pity of chrysanthemum,this paper gives an interpretation of the mentality of the poet through the ups and downs in officialdom.Ouyang Xiu compared chrysanthemum’s full bloom in the coldness to personal solitary faithfulness,chrysanthe-mum symbolic significance to the ups and downs of life,so as to delicately show the character of chrys-anthemum and the poet's complex in the j ourney of life.



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