首页> 中文期刊>湖南大学学报(社会科学版) >红桥修禊与清代士人之心态流变∗




修禊作为一种古老的祭祀风俗,在历史的流变中逐渐转化为一种文人雅集的重要形式。从闻名古今的兰亭修禊开始,修禊不断地被后世文人所模仿,留下了众多的千古佳话。文章以清朝王士禛、孔尚任、卢见曾所举行的几次著名的红桥修禊为例,通过这几次文人禊集中流传下来的诗文词赋,揭示出清代文人的精神风貌和生活情趣,及在不同时期士人心态的流变。%“Xiuxi”,an ancient Chinese ritual that is originally characterized by bathing or washing at the waterside to get rid of misfortune on March 3rd of the lunar calendar,has gradually transformed into an important form of the scholars’gathering.Started from the Xiuxi at Lanting (one residence of the re-nowned calligrapher Wang Xizhi in Dongjin Dynasty),it was constantly imitated by literati of later genera-tions,making numerous famous stories through the ages.This paper,taking “Hongqiao (a bridge in Yan-gzhou)Xiuxi”in Qing Dynasty as an example,discusses several famous “Hongqiao Xiuxi”by Wang Shizhen,Kong Shangren and Lu Jianzeng respectively,in order to reflect the spirits and interests of the li-terati at that time and the scholars'mindset development at different times through analyzing the poetry,ci and ode created by them.



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