首页> 中文期刊>湖南中医药大学学报 >尤昭玲教授对子宫切口假腔的诊疗经验及再妊娠结局的风险评估




Uterus incision lacuna has become a pertinacious illness, which seriously affects the psychosomatic health and reproductive safety of fertile women. Through clinical practice and demonstration for more than ten years, Professor You Zhaoling, who has a thorough knowledge of both Western and Chinese medicine, constantly improve its theory system and strategy of diagnosis and treatment, from concept, causa morbi and mechanism, lesion characteristic, degrees basis, basic treatment principle, therapeutic schedule and risk assessment of next pregnancy outcome. She puts forward the basic therapeutic schedule of internal and external therapy and treatment in different stages. She takes the lead in putting forward making risk assessment of patient's next pregnancy outcome. Advocate personalized treatment programs to ensure the female reproduction and life safety.%子宫切口假腔已成为严重影响育龄妇女心身健康和生殖安全的痼疾之一。尤昭玲教授学贯中西,关注该病10余载,通过临症实践和论证,从概念、病因病机、病变特点、分度依据、基本治则、治疗方案、再妊娠风险评估等方面不断完善其理论体系与诊治策略。提出内外结合、分期调治的基本治疗方案,并率先提出对假腔患者再妊娠结局进行风险评估,提倡个性化治疗方案,以保证女性生殖生命安全。



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