首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南文理学院学报(自然科学版)》 >利用田间不适用烟叶高温发酵处理制成肥料




In order to study the harmless treatment style of the disuse tobacco leaves in the field, organic fertilizers by high temperature fermentation is developed, and that how to collect and smash by machinery and equipment is tested also. The results show that:when 40%moisture content of tobacco leaves is cut by big stick with cuter, or raw straw material to fresh tobacco is 3︰1 smashed by crusher integrated extrusion, cutting and grinding equipment, uniform particles after crushed will be able to meet the needs of high-temperature fermentation; effective temperature that AAT microbial fermentation has higher vigor is used between 100~120 ℃; content of organic matter of organic fertilizer made by disuse tobacco leaves through high-temperature fermentation processing is higher than the general straw such as wheat, rice and maize content, of which is reaching 56.9%with nitrogen of 2.63%; clearance rate of insect eggs in organic fertilizers is 100%, and disease virus for example TMV is not detected;if the project is utilized by each tobacco base unit in china, the annual direct benefits would be 389 900~433 800 RMB.%为了探索田间不适用烟叶的无公害化处理,设计了一套集烟叶收集、粉碎、高温杀毒和发酵生产有机肥的操作流程。针对烟叶的特点进行了设备的选型和研发,并在工程化高温发酵处理烟叶生产肥料试验的基础上,进行了经济效益的分析。结果表明:在对田间不适用烟叶物料粉碎时,利用大辊刀式粉碎机粉碎含水量为40%的烟叶,粉碎后的物料颗粒均匀;粉碎鲜烟叶时,使用集挤压、切割和揉搓为一体的粉碎设备,粉碎秸秆与鲜烟质量比为3︰1时,能够满足高温发酵的需求;所使用的高温 AAT 有效微生物菌剂活力在100~120℃之间时,发酵效果最佳;发酵后得到有机肥料的有机质含量为56.9%,远远高于如小麦、稻谷和玉米等一般秸秆的含量;成品肥料中虫卵的清除率为100%,没有检测出病毒病害;每个基地单元实施该工程后,每年的直接效益38.99~43.38万元。



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