首页> 中文期刊>西部人居环境学刊 >传统单位大院户外环境对儿童体力活动机会的影响*--以北京市核二院家属院为例




The system for traditional community has gradually declined in many Chinese cities, but its spatial form is still of special characteristics. There are insufficient related studies about the impact of the outdoor environment on children’s physical activities. This paper takes the traditional community of BINE as a typical example, employs the method of interview questionnaire and behavior note to obtain the data of children’s outdoor activities, and analyzes the relationship between the outdoor environment and children’s outdoor activities. The research findings are as follows: the living environment with mixed function of residence, school and office provides more opportunity for children to do outdoor activities; complex traffic environment becomes the main factor reducing children’s outdoor activities; the existing activity places can meet the activity demand of children under six years old, but there are not sufficient activity places and facility for the children over six years old. It can provide references for preservation of the traditional community in Beijing and even in other Chinese cities.%在中国很多城市中,传统单位大院的制度基础虽已不复存在,但其空间形态仍然特征独具,这种户外空间内儿童体力活动机会的相关研究尚不充分。本文选取北京市核二院家属院作为典型研究区域,采用访谈式问卷法和行为注记法获取儿童户外体力活动数据,并分析传统单位大院户外环境与儿童户外活动的相互关系。研究结果显示:(1)办公、居住与教育等功能混合的居住环境利于增加儿童户外体力活动;(2)复杂的交通环境成为减少儿童体力活动机会的重要因素;(3)传统单位大院内活动场所满足6岁以下儿童的活动需求,但缺乏适合6岁以上儿童的活动场地和设施。本研究结果可供北京乃至我国其他城市传统单位大院更新改造参考。



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