首页> 中文期刊>湖北第二师范学院学报 >美国冷战战略发展与演变--从杜鲁门到布什




二战之后,美、苏一跃而成为世界上的两个超级大国。由于意识形态的差异,加上战后苏联势力范围的不断扩张,这被美国认为是对其领导下的西方自由世界的严重威胁。自总统杜鲁门提出意图遏制苏联的“杜鲁门主义”之后,二者由战时的合作转为战后的竞争与对抗。一直到冷战结束前的时期内,美国历任总统在上台之后都不约而同地提出貌似具有与其前任不同的内容然而实质却基本不变的冷战战略。美国冷战战略的发展与演变贯穿整个冷战过程的始终,深刻影响着其自身乃至整个世界政治格局的变迁。%  After the World War two,U.S.and Soviet Union became the unique super nations.As different ideology between them and the Soviet union’s expansion around the world,which be taken as the threat to the free-hemisphere led by U.S..From Trumanism put up by the president Truman ,its purpose is to contain Soviet Union,the two nations became competition more than cooperation ever before.Until the Cold War is over,every president after Truman put forward Cold War strategy,basically not changed in substance,although is different from their predecessors on the surface.The Cold War strategy of U.S.is been ex-isting in the course of Cold War and influenced themselves even to international relation of the world.



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