首页> 中文期刊>湖北文理学院学报 >金庸武侠小说儒、道、佛创作思想的衍变融合




The swordsman novel written by Jin Yong prevails in the world of Chinese people due to the dazzling world he built named Jianghu, and the Chinese traditional thoughts of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism pre- vading in his works. Jin Yong as one of the traditional Chinese intellectuals, he thought his life experiences and subconsciously references with traditional Chinese thinking of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism culture. He put the understanding on life into his works to shape the character and set the plot from Confucianism to Taoism, and from Taoism to the Buddhist. The evolution and integration is not only the processc of creation thinking, but a dialectical processc of Jin Yong as one of the traditional Chinese intellectuals.%金庸的武侠小说风靡华人世界,不仅是因为其塑造的绚丽江湖,更是因为充溢其中的中国传统儒家、道家、佛家思想。金庸做为一名中国传统知识分子,潜意识里就将自己的人生经历与中国传统的儒、道、佛文化进行参照思考,并将这些人生领悟蕴藏于作品之中,沿着由儒至道、由道入佛的轨迹来塑造人物形象和设置情节。这个衍变融合的过程不仅仅体现在创作思想上,更是金庸做为中国传统知识分子对中国传统文化的一个思辨过程。



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