首页> 中文期刊>湖北理工学院学报(人文社会科学版) >缓解高校行政管理人员职业倦怠的路径探究*--基于工作匹配视角




新时期,随着高校招生规模的持续扩大和高等教育改革的不断深化,高校行政管理人员工作负荷和工作压力加大,其职业倦怠问题日益凸显。高校行政管理者职业倦怠问题与工作匹配和个人因素等密切相关。文章指出:应以组织支持为根本,构建缓解高校行政管理人员职业倦怠的保障机制;以工作匹配为关键,构建缓解高校行政管理人员职业倦怠的管控机制;以价值认同为导向,构建缓解高校行政管理人员职业倦怠的调节机制。%In the new era, with the continued expansion of university enrollment and deepening of higher ed-ucation reforms, workload and work pressure of administrative staff in universities are on the rise that their occupational burnout has become increasingly prominent accordingly .From the theoretical point of view , the issues concerning occupational burnout of university administrative staff is closely related to job matching di-mension and personal factors.The reality indicates that as to the formation process concerning occupational burnout of university administrative staff , not only internal management work does not match , but also the in-dividual's own adjustment is not in place , both of which are intertwined and lead to difficulties faced by uni-versity administrative staff .Based on the perspective of job matching , this paper analyzes features and causes for occupational burnout of university administrative staff , and explores the approach to relieving it .



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