


焦竑作《庄子翼》沿用《老子翼》之体例,他认为《庄子》与《老子》一样同为明道之书。在《庄子翼》中,焦竑延续了《老子翼》从“有无”的辩证关系讨论出发的对道的理解,提出“因”的观念以为老庄之要旨,并由此对万物及人的存在方式作出阐发。《庄子翼》的另一个思想特色在于焦竑由对有无的深刻理解而强调了儒道不二的观念。%Chiao Hung compiled Chuang -tzu Yi Following the style of Lao -tzu Yi.In Chiao Hung’s o-pinion, Chuang-tzu is a book to clarify the Tao as well as Lao -tzu.Chiao Hung interpreted Tao on the basis of the dialectical relation between You(being) and Wu(nothingness),he claimed that the idea of Yin (cause) is the gist of Lao-tzu and Chuang -tzu, and accordingly explained the mode of the existence of things and human .The other main idea of Chuang-tzu Yi is Chiao Hung emphasized that Confucianism and Taoism are not different based on the deep understanding of You and Wu .



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