首页> 中文期刊> 《当代医学科学(英文)》 >Inhibitory Effect of Recombinant FN Polypeptide CH50 onthe Metastasis and Tumor Growth

Inhibitory Effect of Recombinant FN Polypeptide CH50 onthe Metastasis and Tumor Growth



The inhibition of CH50, a recombinant polypeptide of human fi- bronectin, on the formation of tumor metastases in vivo was studied by inocula-tion of melanoma B16/F1 cells by hypodermic or intraperitoneal injection, and the size and amount of tumor nodes after therapy were measured. In the treatment of hypodermic tumor, local injection of CH50 produced much better efficacy thandistance injection of CH50 did. The inhibitory effect of CH50 on the growth of tumor reached 50 %. In the treatment of peritoneal metastasis, the inhibition ofCH50 on metastases smaller than 1 mm was above 80 %, and above 50 % on metastases larger than 1 mm. A better efficacy was achieved if CH50 was used incombination with hydroxycamptothecine (HCPT ), a chemotherapeutic agent.CH50 displayed a strong inhibitory effect on the formation of small metastasis and growth of larger nodes of tumor, suggesting that CH50 plays a very important role in combined treatment of tumor therapy.



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