首页> 中文期刊> 《淮阴工学院学报》 >基于 FPGA 的高性能数据采集和预处理系统的设计

基于 FPGA 的高性能数据采集和预处理系统的设计



为满足电子战接收机对瞬时输入带宽的应用要求,提出一种基于FPGA的高性能数据采集和预处理系统。该系统采用3片Virtex-5 FPGA对ADC采样数据进行协同处理,能够实现双通道4.8Gsps 的数据采样。实验结果表明,在相同测试条件下,该系统比传统的系统具有更好的信噪比和更高的有效位。%To meet the requirements of wide instantaneous input bandwidth of the electronic warfare ( EW) re-ceivers, a high-performance data sampling and preprocessing systemwas presented based on FPGA.The sys-tem can co-process sampled data with three FPGAs and achieve up to 4.8 Gsps dual channel data sampling. The experiment results demonstrated that the system designed in the paper had a better SNR ( Signal Noise Rati-o) and higher ENOB (Effective Number of Bits) than the traditional system under the same parameter condi-tions.



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