首页> 中文期刊>淮南师范学院学报 >宋代妇女的财产处分权能与买卖契约效力




Difference in status is manifested as both the difference in applying criminal penalty to subjects and the hierarchy of having the civil rights between the subjects. The women in Song Dynasty had the rights of property legally, though their disposal of property rights were limited in international business without independent contracting qualifications. Despite the fact that the women in Song Dynasty were limited civil subjects in law, their rights in handling the property which they brought with when they got married and the property of their deceased husbands were still guaranteed in the legislative and judicial clauses, which had a decisive influence on the validity of the contract of sales, signified the development and progress of the women in Song Dynasty in terms of their civil rights.%身份的差异性不仅表现为主体间刑罚适用上的差异性,也表现为主体间民事权利的等差性。宋代妇女在法律中虽然拥有财产占有权,但在对外交易中,其财产处分权能仍受到限制,不具有独立的缔约资格。尽管宋代妇女在法律上是受限的民事主体,然而当时的立法和司法中仍肯定其对从娘家取得的财产以及夫亡家庭的财产处分具有一定的干预权,并对买卖契约的效力产生决定性影响,体现了宋代妇女民事权利的发展和进步。



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