首页> 中文期刊> 《淮南师范学院学报》 >死亡医学证明行为的法律规制研究




死亡医学证明行为由于其特殊的法律属性与保险理赔、遗产继承、工伤认定等民事纠纷的解决以及殡葬火化、户口注销等手续的办理联系密切,具有深刻的现实法律意义。审判实践中将死亡医学证明行为认定为民事合同义务、民事证明行为、法定义务的观点都是不成立的。理论研究中将死亡医学证明行为认定为行政证明行为的观点基本成立,但其界定不够具体,应当在此基础上进一步将死亡医学证明行为界定为行政证明行为中的鉴定行为,聚焦于死亡医学证明行为的真实性和准确性,着力建构非诉性和程序性的法律规制路径,以从源头上规范死亡医学证明行为,减少和避免相关诉讼纠纷。%Medical certification of death has peculiar legal attributes, is closely related to solving civic disputes like settlement of insurance claim, inheritance succession, work-related injury identification, and handling funeral cremation, cancellation of household registration, the study of which is profoundly and practically significant in law. In judicial practice, medical certification of death is identified as civil contract duty, or civil burden of proof, or legal duty, which is wrong. In theoretical research, medical certification of death is identified as administrative certification, which is basically correct. But, its definition is not specific. Medical certification of death ought to be further defined as identification in administrative certification, focusing on authenticity and accuracy so as to open up a lawful regulation road which is non-actionable and procedural, thus specifying medical certification of death, reducing and even avoiding litigation disputes.



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