首页> 中文期刊>怀化学院学报 >美国慈善资本主义精神探析




美国是现今世界上慈善体系比较完善的国家。早在美国独立之前,欧洲宗教改革后的清教徒由于受到不公正待遇而纷纷移民到美洲新大陆。他们在这里经过若干年的传教布道,最终奠定了美国的新教伦理基础,这也对美国慈善资本主义精神的形成产生了根本性影响。在经过两次慈善浪潮之后,美国社会逐渐形成一种称为慈善资本主义的精神,这种慈善资本主义的精神也是美国多元慈善文化的一种表现,而慈善资本主义精神的形成是与美国的宗教、历史与文化的发展息息相关的。%Nowadays , the United States is one of the world's most developed countries in terms of philanthropy . Long before the independence of the United States ,American Puritans emigrated to the New World after the Reformation in Europe due to unfair treatment . They went through several years of preaching sermons , and ultimately laid the foundation of American Protestant ethic ,which had fundamental influence on the formation of the American philanthropic spirit of capitalism .After two charity wave of American society ,a spirit of capitalism called charity gradually formed . Charitable spirit of capitalism is also a manifestation of America's diverse philanthropic culture , and the formation of a charitable spirit of capitalism and the development of religion ,history and culture are closely related to the United States .



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