首页> 中文期刊> 《红河学院学报》 >农村土地经营权流转与农民权益维护




To shift the right of land management in rural area has become inevitable for developing rural economy and protecting the farmers' rights and interests. Although China has enacted relevant laws and regulations to protect the farmers' rights and interests during the process of transference, in reality the interests of farmers have been infringed upon due to such reasons as institutional deficiency and the power's dissimilation, leaving farmers' liberal right, beneficial rightand survival right insufficientlyguaranteed. Hence, it is necessaryto improve legislation, promote the fair and reasonable distribution of interests, enhance execution and standardize behavior of all parties. The knowledge of the laws ought to be promoted and farmers' awareness of their rights to be raised so that the rights and interests of farmers could be well maintained during the process of transference of the right to rural land management.%农村土地承包经营权的流转是发展农村经济,维护农民切身利益的必由之路.中国虽然制定了相关法律法规保障流转过程中的农民权益,但在实践中因制度缺失与权力异化而导致农民权益受损的情况仍然存在,广大农民的自由权、受益权、生存权尚未充分保障.因此,需要完善立法,构建公平合理的利益分配格局;加强执法、规范土地流转中的各方行为,着力普法,提高广大农民的权利意识.在农村土地经营权流转过程中,切实维护农民权益.



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